FCC & Venzeo™ (7 years of experience)

Venzeo™ helps organizations with people and vehicles in the field to securely share & gather photo evidence. Thanks to the evidence they resolve potential conflicts, protect their reputation, increase quality, support the upsell, or receive a better overview of the remote situations.

FCC in Czech Republic provides business waste solutions, municipal and environmental services and support. With 220M EUR yearly turnover and 560 vehicles, FCC serves 1.2M citizens and 18K businesses in the Czech Republic alone (source).

Mr. Suchan, director of FCC in Prague, decided to give the Venzeo™ system a try in 2015. Since then, they recognized the Venzeo™ system as "One of the most beneficial systems they ever implemented".


What challenges is FCC solving with the Venzeo™ system?

  1. Inaccessible road (blocked by a car or local reconstruction)
  2. Inaccessible Collection Point (locked)
  3. Overflowing Bin (collection point is too small for the load)
  4. Damaged Bin (which part is damaged, how severe?)
  5. Unsuitable Waste
    • bin is too heavy to load;
    • waste is flammable;
    • mixed recycling material;
  6. How can the operating center identify bins that need repairing and what parts?
  7. How can FCC sales representatives know which places require upsell of additional services?
  8. How do we prove additional cleaning was needed for a given collection point?
  9. How can we protect ourselves against legal action, if we could not collect and deliver our services due to a locked gateway or blocked roadway?


How was Venzeo™ implemented?

  1. Dispatchers personalized Venzeo™ system to meet their needs using tags (types and categories). This way all Venzeo™ reports are categorized properly.
  2. All drivers received a smartphone with activated Venzeo™ app and short instructions on how to use it (it took less than 5 minutes).
  3. Access to Venzeo™ online system was given to the dispatcher, support center, sales representatives and technicians.

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